Tuesday 28 June 2016

Political Weakness of Weimar Government

Political Weakness of Weimar Government 

People showed their unhappiness with multiple revolts that added to the instability of Germany.The Government had no choice but to crush them using unemployed soldiers returning from the war. Germany was finding it difficult to pay reparations. Germany was late on several reparation payments as well. As a result France invaded the Ruhr Valley, Germany's industrial heart, to get the coal that was due as reparations. As the French occupied the Ruhr Valley, humiliating the Germans. The workers in Ruhr valley want on strike with the support of the Government. To show their support, the Government printed more money to pay wages to the workers. This only further exacerbated the hyper-inflation.

Image result for political weaknesses of the weimar republic
Children playing with money as it was worthless due to hyper-inflation.(http://alphahistory.com/nazigermany/weimar-germany/)
Opening ceremony of the Weimar Republic.

A crowd of people with a flag.

How did this help Hitler in his rise to power?

Hitler's rise to power was based upon long-term factors - resentment in the German people, the weakness of the Weimar system - which he exploited through propaganda , the terror of his stormtroopers, and the brilliance of his speeches.

Monday 27 June 2016

Economic Weakness of Weimar Republic

  • Weimar Germany weakness is their uneven balance of economic growth and their ongoing economic problems. After World War 1 the Weimar Republic was inherited with the, enormous cost of the First World War followed by the burden of post-war reconstruction. Germany was held responsible for all losses and damages suffered by the Allies. This led to the inflation crisis of 1923. Another problem with Germany's economy was that the value of imports always exceeded that of exports. Germany's prosperity remained unsound. It was based too much on foreign credit. The stock market crash in 1929 plunged the whole world into a severe depression. These show how Germany's economy a was based on exports and foreign credit, so when the market crashed in 1929 the whole world fell into depression, including Germany.
Picture showing a soldier getting stabbed in the back 

Burning the bank notes as it is worthless

Germans in great depression.

So how did Hitler rise to the power?

Hitler was a great speaker who could convince many people into him. During the inflation, people turned to the Communists and Nazis which the Nazis help attacked the opponent of Hitler as they thought Hitler could control them as he had power. Hence, this causes Hitler to gain trust among the people which helped him rise to power.

The Great Depression

The Great Depression:(

·      The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression sparked by the stock market crash of 1929 in the New York Stock Exchange. The Great Depression affected almost every country. However, it affected Germany more as Germany was dependent on loans and investments from the USA. When the USA suddenly asked the Loans and deposits back from Germany Banks, it suffered an economic crisis which turned into a social crisis. Factories were closed down which lead to millions of people losing their jobs. By 1932, six million people or one-third of the country were employed the Governments had to make cuts to social service. Poverty, homelessness and even starvation were a common place.

Kids holding signs and begging Germany to give jobs to their fathers. Due to being jobless, families were poor and did not have money to buy food or provide shelters, therefore children were forced to hold up sings begging Germany to give their dad a job.


People were so poor that they could not provide food and shelter for themselves. Therefore had no choice but to sell their own children because they did not have money to take care of their children and themselves.

Men roamed around the streets in desperate to find a job and slept in the roads. If they did not find a job they would not be able to survive because they would not have money to buy food or have a shelter. Therefore many were desperate to find a job.

How did this help Hitler to rise to power?


Hitler took advantage of the circumstances and promised everyone to give them their jobs. The desperation of needing a job lead people to believe Hitler and Hitler gained control. Hitler then created opportunities such as making guns for war. This lead to the National Socialists, Hitler’s party, to gain about 122 seats on Reichstag’s. Therefore, this lead Hitler to rise to power.

Aspect: The Great Depression by E.Vishalini 3C